Hymnody School
Hymnody School
Welcome to the main page of St. Philopateer’s Hymnody School. We are excited that so many have signed up to attend the classes!
Here on this page you will find all the information about the classes, including all the recourses needed to successfully participate in the classes. Please ensure that you go through this page thoroughly.
Ordinations – Dec. 3 & 4
By God’s Grace, on Saturday – December 4th, 2021 – we will celebrate the Feast of the Martyr of our church, St. Philopateer Mercurius. We will be blessed with the presence of H.G. Bishop Peter, who will ordain some youth and servants into the rank of Psalter and Reader.
For all those interested in the ordination, please read the following carefully, as no exceptions will be made.
✥ You must be a standing member of St. Philopateer Church
✥ You must have been attending the Hymnody Classes
✥ You must attend Vespers on Friday December 3rd, and arrive no later than 6:30 PM
✥ You must attend Liturgy on Saturday December 4th, and arrive no later than 8 AM
✥ Please make sure you have a clean and ironed Tonia
✥ All Psalters (Psaltos), do not bring a Stole (Badrasheel)
Anaghnostis Elevations
As a reminder, if you wish to be elevated to the rank of Reader, you must complete the set project and be able to present it prior to the date of the Ordination. You must be an ordained Psalter and at least 16 years of age. Please click here for the Anaghnostis Elevation section on this page for the details, or reach out to Mr. Albaer Moawad.
By God’s Grace, on Saturday – December 4th, 2021 – we will celebrate the Feast of the Martyr of our church, St. Philopateer Mercurius. We will be blessed with the presence of H.G. Bishop Peter, who will ordain some youth and servants into the rank of Psalter. For all those interested in the ordination, please read the following carefully:
To be ordained a Psalter on Dec. 4th, a minimum attendance of 90% is required for all classes and Sunday Liturgies. This means that you can only miss one single lesson and Sunday between the times the classes start and the day of the ordination. If you need to miss a lesson or liturgy, justification must be provided to your teacher ahead of time.
Both classes will be held at the same time, so you can only choose one class at a time.
Class 1: Congregation Responses of Matins & Vespers
*Class 2: Congregation Responses of the Offertorium and Liturgy of the Word
✥ The minimum age is 6 years old.
✥ Both classes will be held every Friday at 7PM. The first class will be on Friday, September 17th.
✥ The sign up deadline was on Wednesday, September 15th.
*Class 2 will be moved to a future semester. During this semester, we will only learn Class 1.